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2024-2025 Negotiations



Teacher and Paraprofessional Ratification Voting 


Tentative Agreements 2024-2025


Voting will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, September 13, 2024 

and will end at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.



The ratification votes will take place by electronic ballot.



Voting instructions will be sent by email to each member of the teacher and paraprofessional bargaining units. 


The tentative agreements were emailed to every teacher and para, are posted below and will be posted at your school. 


If you have any questions, please contact MEA at 747-5091 or via email at


Tentative Agreements Reached

August 29, 2024 - The bargaining teams of the Manatee Education Association and the School District of Manatee County met again to negotiate paraprofessional and teacher contracts on Wednesdays, August 21st and 28th, 2024.

After negotiating for many hours, the teams were able to reach tentative agreementon both the teacher and paraprofessional contracts.

The highlights are below.  Salary schedules and other details including information regarding teacher and paraprofessional voting on ratification of the tentative agreements will be coming out soon.

Highlights of the Teacher Tentative Agreements are as follows:

- Equalized the rate of pay for 11-month employees when compared to 10-month employees based on days worked
- Initial steps in breaking up compression at the beginning of the Performance Pay salary schedules
- Change from level/step movement to a percentage (%) based increase depending on evaluation rating and place on the salary schedule
- Retention supplement for 16+ and 25+ years of experience maintained

- Supplemental/Differential pay will increase across the board by 4% 
- Self-contained ESE teacher supplement added to the schedule
- One collaborative planning period inside of the student day per month in exchange for the same amount of planning time outside of the student day for that month and a teacher workday shortened by two hours on the mid-year inservice day

Highlights of the Paraprofessional Tentative Agreements are as follows:

- One (1) step movement on the salary schedule for eligible paraprofessionals (those who worked 99 days or more last year)
- $0.50 per hour increase applied to each step of the salary schedule for all paraprofessionals

- New separate salary schedule for aides assigned to work in self-contained ESE units

Teachers and Paraprofessionals

- The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the referendum supplement (the millage) for the 2024-2025 school year was signed. The referendum supplement for paras will be $3598 (an increase of $736), and for teachers the referendum supplement will be $9537 (an increase of $1,175). 

- There will be a 10.9% increase in all health insurance premiums beginning in January 2025. The premiums will be divided over 22 checks in the calendar year (details will be provided prior to ratification). 

- For both contracts, all current contract language including health insurance plan benefits continues until 2024-2025 negotiations.

- All salary improvements are retroactive to July 1, 2024.

Next Steps

Salary schedules, and other details including information regarding teacher and paraprofessional voting on ratification of the tentative agreements will be coming out soon. 

Then, the School Board will place the agreements on their agenda for ratification.

Many thanks to the MEA and District bargaining teams for their hard work in reaching these tentative agreements on behalf of teachers and paraprofessionals.

Dr. Jason Wysong, Superintendent

Pat Barber, MEA President

August 1, 2024 - The Manatee Education Association (MEA) bargaining team and representatives of the School Board of Manatee County (SBMC) continued negotiations for the ’24-’25 contract on Wednesday, July 31st.
Both teams exchanged proposals during the lengthy negotiations session but neither team moved off its salary proposal for teachers. The SBMC team presented a proposal for paraprofessionals that would mean less of a raise for paras at the lower steps of the TA6 salary schedule. They also dropped plan changes and proposed a 10.9% premium increase in both the employee and employer premiums.
Both parties proposed correcting errors in the 11-month salary schedule.
We continue to work through the issues being discussed.
Details can be found by reading the minutes of each session which will be posted on the MEA website once approved by both MEA and management.

The teams will meet again on August 6, 2024, at 4:30 at the PSC.

July 31, 2024 - The Manatee Education Association (MEA) bargaining team consisting of Pat Barber, Cory Bernaert, Helen King, Brian Kirchberg, Rob Lyons, Bruce Proud, Jon Syre, Evelyn Townsley, and Dawn Walker and representatives of the School Board of Manatee County (SBMC) Rick Bailey, Silvana Ianinska, Derek Jensen, Gina Malinak, Kevin Pendley, Donna Peregoff, Joe Ranaldi, Sharon Scarbrough, Rachel Sellers, and Bill Vogel have entered into negotiations for the ’24-’25 contract. Since this is not a year that the full contract is open for negotiations, the main focus will be on economics such as salaries and benefits including supplements and other items in Article XII in the teacher contract and Article XI in the para contract.

MEA’s initial proposal for teachers included a departure from the salary schedule that would allow raises to be applied within the limits of FL Statute. The proposal was to forgo level movement and instead apply a percentage increase based on evaluation ratings. For paras, MEA has proposed step plus 5% increase for all paras who are eligible (those who worked 99 days or more last year).

The SBMC opened negotiations by proposing between 10.9% and 9% increase in health insurance premiums and options that include plan changes that would shift costs of between $1.1 million and $1.8 million to employees. They also proposed that teachers participate in collaborative planning during their in-student day planning two days a month rather than during their outside student day planning. In exchange for that time, teachers would be allowed to leave early on one of the three scheduled record days.

Both parties proposed correcting errors in the 11-month salary schedule.

Progress is being made as we work through the issues being discussed.

Further details can be found by reading the minutes of each session which will be posted once approved by both MEA and management.

The teams will meet again on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at 5:30 at the PSC.


MEA Fasttrack QR

MEA needs YOU! Membership in your union is more important than ever! Scan the QR code or click here to join!

As we collectively bargain our wages, hours and working conditions, we help define the most tangible aspects of our profession for Manatee County teachers and paraprofessionals.

Through student scholarships, community outreach and policy advocacy, MEA members are working together to ensure our students and our neighborhood public schools have the resources they need to thrive.

MEA members are guaranteed representation in matters related to their job. In administrative meetings, and in the event of certification or investigations by outside agencies, membership means support for and protection of due process rights.

Members have access to a wealth of professional resources through our local, state and national organizations; we are committed to high-quality instruction at every level of education.

Are you a current MEA member?

Are you a current MEA member trying to set up eDues?
Please email for instructions. 

MEA Has Members Covered

Don’t be fooled by imitators who offer liability coverage only. Last year alone 17 members faced false allegations of child abuse requiring legal representation for criminal investigations (CPS), for defense of certificate (DOE) as well as for district investigations (OPS).  In the last decade, there have been 0 members requiring liability coverage.

When it comes to coverage MEA along with its affiliates, FEA, AFT and NEA, has members covered in all areas of job related issues including legal, and it’s all included in the price of your dues.

Coverage includes but is not limited to:

  • Allegations of child abuse resulting in criminal charges
  • Ethics charges referred to the Department of Education
  • Questions of competency reflecting on job performance
  • Representation in disputes with school level administration
  • High dollar liability coverage

In addition, members have the benefit of:

  • An outstanding legal team with over 75 years of aggregate experience and a staff of full time attorneys who deal exclusively with members’ legal issues.
  • A network of labor lawyers throughout the state
  • MEA officers and staff to guide members through the process
  • No limitations on fees, hours or nature of the case