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MEA represents paraprofessionals employed by the Manatee County School Board.  This includes Teacher Aides, Teacher Assistants, Educational Interpreters, Social Educators, Clinic Aides, Technology Teacher Assistants, Home School Liaisons, Parent Liaisons, Behavior Technicians, PE Technicians and Computer Lab Managers. 


MEA represents teachers employed by the Manatee County School Board.  This classification includes classroom teachers, guidance counselors, media specialists, student support specialists, testing administrators and speech language pathologists. 


Memorandum of Understanding - 2022-2023 Work Year

August 4, 2022 - MEA and the Manatee County School District signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the first week of work and how the work days are to be used. The MOU reflects the calendar adopted by the School Board. Please note the language that indicates there are to be no meetings scheduled for teachers on the days designated as days for teachers to work in the classrooms.

PDF iconmou_workyearsigned.pdf

2022-2023 Teacher and Para Millage Supplement

August 4, 2022 - Click on the following link to read the Memorandum of Understanding between the Manatee Education Association and the School District of Manatee County regarding what the referendum supplement will be for the 2022-2023 school year. The referendum supplement payment will begin on the August 26, 2022 paycheck.

PDF iconmou_referendum_20222023.pdf

2021-2022 Teacher and Para Millage Supplement

August 6, 2021 - Click on the following link to read the Memorandum of Understanding between the Manatee Education Association and the School District of Manatee County regarding what the referendum supplement will be for the 2021-2022 school year. The referendum supplement payment will begin on the August 27, 2021 paycheck.

2021-2022referendummousigned.pdfPDF icon

August 27, 2020 - The School District of Manatee County and the Manatee Education Association have reached agreement on the millage supplements for the 2020-2021 school year. The millage supplements are based upon employee allocations for the new school year and current millage revenue estimates. 

In addition to the allocated extra 15 minutes of paid time for each teacher and paraprofessional the annual supplement amounts are included in this spreadsheet. Payments are disbursed throughout the year (over 20 pays for 10-month employees and 22 pays for 11-month employees) and are scheduled to


Amended Memorandum of Understanding - Millage Referendum for Teachers and Paraprofessionals

The amended referendum clarifies how much of teachers' outside the student day planning time management may use for meetings.

PDF iconmougrievanceresolutionref.pdf

2021-2022 Teacher/Paraprofessional Reopening of Schools

August 6, 2021 - Click on the following link to read the Memorandum of Understanding reached between the Manatee Education Association and the School District of Manatee County regarding what the working conditions will be for the reopening of schools for the 2021-2022 school year.

2021-2022reopeningmousigned.pdfPDF icon

Mask Mandate with Optional Opt Out Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

August 17, 2021 – Click on the link below to read a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which reflects the working conditions under the Mask Mandate with the Optional Opt Out which was voted on by the School Board on August 16, 2021. 

PDF icon2021-2022maskmandatewithoptoutoptionsigned.pdf

Record Day MOU Signed

May 3, 2021 - The School District of Manatee County and the Manatee Education Association have reached agreement through Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in lieu of any formal action over the recent adoption of modifications to the calendar for 2021-2022.  The MOU addresses the modifications to the October 8, 2021 Record Day and modifies the Collective Bargaining Agreement pertaining to Article XVII-Work Year-Section 1-Work Year. 

The MOU provides the following: 

  1. Voluntary BEST Standards professional learning opportunities may be offered on half of the Record Day on October 8, 2021. It is the teacher’s sole choice to participate in this professional development, and no one shall be coerced or pressured to do so by any District or school administrator. No other meetings or professional learning will be scheduled on October 8th. 
  2. The Student Growth Score within the Teacher Evaluation System for the 2020-2021 work year will only be used if the measure results in an advantage or benefit for the teacher. 
  3. The Superintendent and MEA agree to distribute a joint communication regarding the voluntary professional development, its purpose, and the fact it is restricted to the Record Day on October 8, 2021. 

Pat Barber                                                                       Cynthia Saunders
MEA President                                                                Superintendent