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About Us

MEA Accomplishments

MEA is your union.  Together we stand united in representing the interests of teachers, paraprofessionals and the students we serve.

Did you know?

  • MEA successfully negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) guaranteeing funding for teachers and paraprofessionals from the 1 mil, securing how teachers’ and paraprofessionals’ working conditions will be impacted and specifically how funds generated will enhance salaries. 
  • MEA fought for level movement of 4 levels for those on the grandfathered salary schedule, 4 levels/3 levels for those rated highly effective/effective on the performance pay schedule, the $1000 bonus from the state for those who did not previously receive it, longevity pay, increase in the masters degree supplement and no increase in health insurance premiums for the 21-22 school year.
  • MEA also fought for step movement on the paraprofessional salary schedules, enhancement of the paraprofessional salary schedules ($0.50/hour) while increasing beginning para pay. 
  • MEA successfully defended members facing allegations of child abuse within the district and at the Florida Department of Education
  • MEA works with management to correct pay for many individual teacher and para members
  • MEA is in contact with the district administration on a daily basis to resolve issues and problems for its members
  • MEA provides assistance to members with concerns on their evaluations, including understanding the process, writing a rebuttal and meeting with their administrators
  • MEA provides an avenue for new and experienced teachers who may want mentoring or intervention
  • MEA/Management committee works together to ensure a safe working environment for all teachers and paraprofessionals and a safe learning environment for students
  • MEA/District Paperwork Reduction Committee edits, approves and eliminates district forms and addresses school-based forms that are appealed. 
  • MEA’s member benefits offer a broad range of discounts and savings programs that can save members more than they pay in dues.

The Manatee Education Association -- your professional union -- is Manatee County's advocate for teachers and paraprofessionals.  For many years we have stood together and spoken for quality education and for serving and protecting your best interests. 

Educators are entrusted with the care and nurturing of our county's most precious resource:  CHILDREN.  Our lives are dedicated to the future of children and to the future of our community, our state and nation.

MEA brings together teachers and paras so that our voices can be heard and respected.  As a member of MEA you support the only organization dedicated to representing your interests at the local (School Board), state (Legislature) and national (Congress) levels.

Thank you for your involvement and your choice to stand with your colleagues in Manatee County, Florida and throughout America.

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