August 27, 2020 - The School District of Manatee County and the Manatee Education Association have reached agreement on the millage supplements for the 2020-2021 school year. The millage supplements are based upon employee allocations for the new school year and current millage revenue estimates.
In addition to the allocated extra 15 minutes of paid time for each teacher and paraprofessional the annual supplement amounts are included in this spreadsheet. Payments are disbursed throughout the year (over 20 pays for 10-month employees and 22 pays for 11-month employees) and are scheduled to begin September 11, 2020 for teachers and paraprofessionals.
Teachers: $5,201
Paraprofessionals: $1,519
The District and MEA are thankful for the tremendous generosity of the people of Manatee County for voting in favor of an additional mill on March 20, 2018, which has made school district pay more competitive with surrounding school districts.
Thank you as always for all you do,
Cynthia Saunders Pat Barber
Superintendent MEA President